The Studio: Baustellengespräche (THE STUDIO: CONSTRUCTION SITE TALKS)
Talk Talks & Workshops Social/Urban Movements
The black box is widely used as a form of theatre stage. It is not, as is sometimes claimed, restrained or neutral. It is powerful, and it stages everything that happens inside it. What can alternatives look like? THE STUDIO is a project by the interdisciplinary performance platform Rotterdam Presenta, which is developing a mobile rehearsal stage in a former car dealership in Lierenfeld.
Since the beginning of the year, performance artists, architects, musicians and technicians have been building this space between theatre work and stage architecture, between free artistic work and theatre institution, between artists and visitors. They are currently asking themselves: Which bodies are given access to the construction site – and how does it create barriers? What is the relationship between the bodies and the existing and emerging building fabric? Is the building site an erotic place? How sustainable can temporary construction be? And how can maintenance be directly considered during construction? The construction site itself is a meeting place for participants in the process, interested members of the public and other experts.
Construction Site Talks #3 invites you to an open day starting at 4 p.m.: There will be continuous thematic tours of the construction site and a joint dinner in the evening. You can sunbathe outside and there is usually a place for everyone at the table tennis table!
from 16 pm: Construction site tours
at 19 pm: Construction site dinner
partners in crime
Hosts: Bilal Ahmad (architect, Copenhagen/DK), Johanna-Yasirra Kluhs (dramaturge, Duisburg/DE), Thomas Widera (spheropractor Düsseldorf/DE), Jan Rohwedder (choreographer, Düsseldorf/DE), Stine Hertel (performance artist, Düsseldorf/DE), among others special guest: Dirk Sorge (media/concept artist, Leipzig/DE)
Supported by the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry for Culture and Science, the Cultural Department of the City of Düsseldorf and the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds granted by the Federal Commissioner for Culture and Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR.