Gravity PiecesThe Studio: Baustellengespräche (THE STUDIO: CONSTRUCTION SITE TALKS)Raue Kanten (Rough Edges)contact
rotterdampresenta.deRotterdam Presenta
The Rotterdam Presenta platform comprises various artists and performance artists. The label was founded by Stine Hertel and Jan Rohwedder in 2010 and has been firmly established in Düsseldorf since 2012. Their works have been shown in Germany as well as abroad throughout Europe. Their site-specific work „accident exercises“, a practice series on mishaps, was presented in a former insurance archive in Düsseldorf, at FAVORITEN 2020 festival in Dortmund, and at Stuttgarter Theatersommer 2021. Internationally, they were represented at the festivals Scènes d’Europe Reims and Mythos Festivals Rennes, and they also collaborated with Brussels’ Théâtre la Balsamine.