jobs + calls
Are you looking for a job and are you enthusiastic about theater, performance, dance, visual arts and music, as well as everything that happens in front of and behind the stage? Then you’ve come to the right place: we are always on the lookout for a wide variety of people for a wide variety of jobs – on or behind the stage.
Regelmäßig hat das FFT Praktikumsplätze für mindestens acht Wochen und in Vollzeit zu vergeben. Bereichsübergreifend in folgenden Abteilungen: Künstlerisches Betriebsbüro (KBB), Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Marketing und Audience Development.
- Begeisterung für freies Theater
- Interesse, in alle Arbeitsbereiche hinter und auf der Bühne „hineinzuschnuppern“
- Eigeninitiative
- zeitliche Flexibilität (inkl. Wochenende, Feiertage und abends)
- Improvisationstalent und Spontaneität
- Gelassenheit im Umgang mit unterschiedlichsten Menschen und Situationen
Bewerbungen (inkl. Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse) an:
FFT Düsseldorf // Julia Lorenz //
Soundcinema Düsseldorf is a recorded sound festival for experimental, electronic and electroacoustic music and sound art that will take place on 02.10.2024 at FFT Düsseldorf. On the day of the event, a selection of ten audio productions, which have been carefully picked by a selection panel in advance, will be presented in an acousmatic environment. At the end of the evening, two jury awards and one audience award will be awarded, each endowed with 750€.
It is possible to submit stereo and multi-channel productions up to a maximum of 7.1 (please note the channel configuration below). We are looking for musical compositions, soundscapes, sound collages, sonic experiments, narrative audio formats and technoid productions that are characterized by a transgressive and futuristic impetus and attempt to undermine conventional listening experiences. Contributions can be submitted either for the free category or for this year’s thematic focus “Corporeality”.
Free Category
For the free category, musical compositions, soundscapes, sound collages, sonic experiments and narrative audio formats can be submitted as well as recordings that deal with the limits of sound and hearing itself and/or that acoustically explore the resonance relationship between sound, body and space.
Thematic Focus 2024: Corporeality
With its thematic focus on „Corporeality“, the human body provides the conceptual framework for the sixth edition of the festival. Soundcinema 2024 poses the question of how the body can be used as a primary point of reference for the creation of electronic and electroacoustic audio productions: How can the body, in its specific materiality, be made to sound on the one hand and processed electroacoustically on the other? How can somatic impulses and physical-performative actions be translated into sound using electronic interfaces? In addition to such forms of direct reference to the concrete body, compositions can also deal with the subject in an abstract and metaphorical way.
Application and submission criteria
All submitted productions may not exceed a length of 10 minutes.
All contributions must be accompanied by a concept paper of one DIN A4 page (approx. 300 words). The concept paper consists of a short project description, which should contain a conceptual reflection of the production. Submissions for the thematic focus should justify their classification accordingly. In addition, the submission of a short CV (one paragraph) is requested for the creation of the program booklet.
A maximum of two pieces per category can be submitted.
Submissions can be uploaded until 31.07.2024 to:
Stereo and multi-channel productions up to max. 7.1 can be submitted.
Multi-channel productions must be produced according to the standard below. Please do not send in surround bounces but individual tracks and assign numbers to the files of the individual tracks (1L, 2R, 3C etc…).
Details of the call can be found here as a PDF for download.