Art meets Code at the Symposium Re_Generation

We are very pleased that as part of our program Re_Generation Neha Spellfish will once again be a guest at the FFT. Most recently, she performed on the occasion of the FFT’s 20th anniversary in fall 2019. In 2020, she was part of the online sessions „Animaterialities“.
As part of our symposium Re_Generation, Neha will present a beta version of her app .SPEAK. Participants* on site will be provided with the app as a download and all are invited to test it together and give the experience back to Neha.
.SPEAK is designed for continuous collaboration and sharing of audio recordings. It makes it possible to keep a shared audio diary with friends, colleagues – or in our case, other symposium participants. .SPEAK is compatible for iOS and Android.
Neha Spellfish is a programmer, software developer and artist. Her multidisciplinary work combines bodies and codes, sensual, electromagnetic and digital encounters. In addition to the app .SPEAK, Neha presents her performance „Teyat Vivan“ as part of Re_Generation, in which she uses spoken language and sound collages to trace her own African-American roots.