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Performances + Lecture
01.04. – 03.04.2022

While something, objectively and materially, irrefutably, happens during a pregnancy – a baby grows in a human uterus – it is the matter of dealing with this fact that is a cultural accord and, therefore, a legitimate object of political negotiations. Antje Schrupp
The way we think and talk about pregnancy informs the manner in which we live within a society. It fuels decisions about gender relations, control of one’s own and external bodies, and about our ideas of communal life. Why have pregnancy and the (capacity for) becoming pregnant rarely been topics throughout philosophy, art, and politics? How does pregnancy relate to technological developments such as robotics and artificial intelligence? Centred around Anna Fries’ and Malu Peters’ “Virtual Wombs” production as well as The Agency’s “Mater Dolorosa Bleed”, we want to start a conversation about a ubiquitous topic that is yet seldom discussed on a grand stage.
You can buy a combination ticket (25€/10€ reduced) for the performances VIRTUAL WOMBS and MATER DOLOROSA BLEED in our ticket store on all days!