dance performance Social/Urban Movements Dance
Being born and being able to start, those two aspects of human life constitute the main incentives within both politics and the arts. New people come in constantly, changing the already existing status with their ideas and actions. Becoming a beginner, taking the initiative, daring the new – that is, based loosely on Hannah Arendt, the topic of this large-scale choreography by Antje Pfundtner in Gesellschaft. The Hamburg artist developed a new version for us, featuring performers from Düsseldorf.
The stage becomes a space of possibilities in which the imagination of each individual plays a role, in which everything appears possible with each performance, and the unexpected actually occurs. For our new season at our new theatre, we requested this empowering, profound, and humorous Antje Pfundtner staging – could you imagine a better way to start into the new year together?
Invitation to the audience discussion on 19.3.
Dear FFT Audience,
on Saturday, March 19, 2022, the Hamburg group Antje Pfundtner in company invites you to another performance of their play Alles auf Anfang at 8 pm – and following the performance to a joint and convivial table in the foyer of the FFT.
The menu is based – in addition to drinks and nibbles at a large table – primarily on good conversation. Because on the occasion of her next play, Sitzen ist eine gute Idee, which will guest at the FFT in June 2022, Antje Pfundtner would like to sit down at a table with her audience in company and share the question: What are you standing up for? This question is as topical today as it has rarely been before. And since we are already coming together to see a play, we might as well take the opportunity to talk to each other afterwards.
We look forward to seeing you!
Antje Pfundtner in Society and the FFT
partners in crime
Idee & Konzept: Antje Pfundtner in Gesellschaft. Choreografie: Antje Pfundtner. Tanz: Dani Brown, Frank Koenen, Antje Pfundtner, Matthew Rogers, Anna Till. Dramaturgie: Anne Kersting. Musik: Nikolaus Woernle. Bühne: Irene Pätzug. Künstlerische Assistenz: Juliana Oliveira. Kostüme: Yvonne Marcour.Licht: Michael Lentner. Choreografische Assistenz Endproben: Trinidad Martínez. Künstler*innenbetreuung: Angela Kecinski. Mechanik: Lars Vaupel. Unterstützung Bühne: Björn Westpfahl. Produktion: Hannah Melder. Distribution: Jana Lüthje. Und mit: Horst Burgarth, Michael Schumacher.
„Alles auf Anfang“ ist eine Produktion von Antje Pfundtner in Gesellschaft in Koproduktion mit Kampnagel Hamburg, HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden und FFT Düsseldorf. „Alles auf Anfang“ wird gefördert durch die Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Kultur und Medien, den Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, die Kunststiftung NRW und die Hamburgische Kulturstiftung.
Das Gastspiel am FFT Düsseldorf wird unterstützt durch die Kunststiftung NRW sowie durch das NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ Gastspielförderung Tanz, gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, sowie den Kultur- und Kunstministerien der Länder.“