
Fr 03.05.


FFT & Kompliz*innen (FFT & Accomplices)

KULTUR-FRÜHSTÜCK (Cultural Breakfast)


Welcome to the Cultural Breakfast at the FFT Düsseldorf. This free offer is for everyone who wants to take a look behind the scenes of independent theater and talk about it with others! Every 2nd Friday of the month we invite you to our foyer to meet artists and other guests, current topics and new plays.


Düsseldorfer Stadtraum
machina eX

Wenn der Regen kommt (When the rain comes)

as part of ON/LIVE 2024
Theatre Game

Düsseldorf is drying up. The groundwater level is sinking, and the summer threatens to become hot yet again. But this will be remedied now! In Wenn der Regen kommt, game theatre collective machina eX plays a game with humanity’s dream of influencing the weather.


Düsseldorfer Stadtraum
machina eX

Wenn der Regen kommt (When the rain comes)

as part of ON/LIVE 2024
Theatre Game

Düsseldorf is drying up. The groundwater level is sinking, and the summer threatens to become hot yet again. But this will be remedied now! In Wenn der Regen kommt, game theatre collective machina eX plays a game with humanity’s dream of influencing the weather.

Sa 04.05.


Düsseldorfer Stadtraum
machina eX

Wenn der Regen kommt (When the rain comes)

as part of ON/LIVE 2024
Theatre Game

Düsseldorf is drying up. The groundwater level is sinking, and the summer threatens to become hot yet again. But this will be remedied now! In Wenn der Regen kommt, game theatre collective machina eX plays a game with humanity’s dream of influencing the weather.


Dr. Maria-Elena Vorrath

Brave New World?

Evading the Climate Crisis with Climate Engineering?
as part of ON/LIVE 2024

Climate engineering describes human intervention via technologies to manipulate the global climate system. Geoscientist and science slammer Dr Maria-Elena Vorrath researches methods to withdraw CO2 from the atmosphere at Hamburg University. In her lecture, she will explain negative emissions, their global potential, and the current state of research.
And there are memes.


Düsseldorfer Stadtraum
machina eX

Wenn der Regen kommt (When the rain comes)

as part of ON/LIVE 2024
Theatre Game

Düsseldorf is drying up. The groundwater level is sinking, and the summer threatens to become hot yet again. But this will be remedied now! In Wenn der Regen kommt, game theatre collective machina eX plays a game with humanity’s dream of influencing the weather.

So 05.05.


Garth Erasmus

Threnody for the KhoiSan


Garth Erasmus is a musician, activist, and visual artist who rose to prominence in the 1980s with his stance against apartheid in South Africa. His debut album Threnody for the KhoiSan is currently being published by Düsseldorf Label TAL.

Mi 08.05.


Maulheld*innen 2024

Statewide School Theatre Gathering North Rhine-Westphalia
as part of Maulheld*innen 2024

Young school theatre makers from all over North Rhine-Westphalia take over the stages throughout the city. Whether at FFT, at Junges Schauspielhaus, or at Goethe Gymnasium: Remarkable school theatre from North Rhine-Westphalia will be presented and discussed during four summer festival days.


Maulheld*innen 2024

Statewide School Theatre Gathering North Rhine-Westphalia
as part of Maulheld*innen 2024

Young school theatre makers from all over North Rhine-Westphalia take over the stages throughout the city. Whether at FFT, at Junges Schauspielhaus, or at Goethe Gymnasium: Remarkable school theatre from North Rhine-Westphalia will be presented and discussed during four summer festival days.

Do 09.05.


Maulheld*innen 2024

Statewide School Theatre Gathering North Rhine-Westphalia
as part of Maulheld*innen 2024

Young school theatre makers from all over North Rhine-Westphalia take over the stages throughout the city. Whether at FFT, at Junges Schauspielhaus, or at Goethe Gymnasium: Remarkable school theatre from North Rhine-Westphalia will be presented and discussed during four summer festival days.

Fr 10.05.


Maulheld*innen 2024

Statewide School Theatre Gathering North Rhine-Westphalia
as part of Maulheld*innen 2024

Young school theatre makers from all over North Rhine-Westphalia take over the stages throughout the city. Whether at FFT, at Junges Schauspielhaus, or at Goethe Gymnasium: Remarkable school theatre from North Rhine-Westphalia will be presented and discussed during four summer festival days.


Maulheld*innen 2024

Statewide School Theatre Gathering North Rhine-Westphalia
as part of Maulheld*innen 2024

Young school theatre makers from all over North Rhine-Westphalia take over the stages throughout the city. Whether at FFT, at Junges Schauspielhaus, or at Goethe Gymnasium: Remarkable school theatre from North Rhine-Westphalia will be presented and discussed during four summer festival days.

Sa 11.05.


Maulheld*innen 2024

Statewide School Theatre Gathering North Rhine-Westphalia
as part of Maulheld*innen 2024

Young school theatre makers from all over North Rhine-Westphalia take over the stages throughout the city. Whether at FFT, at Junges Schauspielhaus, or at Goethe Gymnasium: Remarkable school theatre from North Rhine-Westphalia will be presented and discussed during four summer festival days.


Maulheld*innen 2024

Statewide School Theatre Gathering North Rhine-Westphalia
as part of Maulheld*innen 2024

Young school theatre makers from all over North Rhine-Westphalia take over the stages throughout the city. Whether at FFT, at Junges Schauspielhaus, or at Goethe Gymnasium: Remarkable school theatre from North Rhine-Westphalia will be presented and discussed during four summer festival days.

So 12.05.


Maulheld*innen 2024

Statewide School Theatre Gathering North Rhine-Westphalia
as part of Maulheld*innen 2024

Young school theatre makers from all over North Rhine-Westphalia take over the stages throughout the city. Whether at FFT, at Junges Schauspielhaus, or at Goethe Gymnasium: Remarkable school theatre from North Rhine-Westphalia will be presented and discussed during four summer festival days.

Di 14.05.



geteilte Räume, urbane Dramaturgien, performatives Kuratieren
Buchvorstellung + Gespräch

Wo finden heute öffentliche Begegnungen und gesellschaftliche Auseinandersetzungen statt? Der Band Porös-Werden beleuchtet, wie Theater und Museen durchlässig werden, um neue Vorstellungen geteilter Räume zu erproben. Ein Gespräch der Herausgeberinnen Barbara Büscher, Elke Krasny und Lucie Ortman mit Britta Peters, Laura Strack, Kathrin Tiedemann und Julia Wissert.

Do 23.05.


Approximation Festival 2024


The Approximation Festival presents eight concerts plus DJ sets over the course of three days. The music it will feature unites future and tradition, and it will sound like a world in transition. It will present William Engelen, Mabe Fratti, Emeka Ogbohs, Kelly Moran, and others.

Fr 24.05.


Approximation Festival 2024


The Approximation Festival presents eight concerts plus DJ sets over the course of three days. The music it will feature unites future and tradition, and it will sound like a world in transition. It will present William Engelen, Mabe Fratti, Emeka Ogbohs, Kelly Moran, and others.

Sa 25.05.


Approximation Festival 2024


The Approximation Festival presents eight concerts plus DJ sets over the course of three days. The music it will feature unites future and tradition, and it will sound like a world in transition. It will present William Engelen, Mabe Fratti, Emeka Ogbohs, Kelly Moran, and others.

Do 30.05.


an verschiedenen Orten in Düsseldorf und Köln
Impulse Theater Festival


as part of Impulse Theater Festival 2024
Workshops + Talks

Seit 2018 gehören die Akademien zum festen Bestandteil des Impulse Theater Festivals. Zeit und Anlass genug, um zu fragen: Was bleibt? An drei Tagen bieten die AKADEMIE #1 und ihre Leiter*innen ein Best of der Debatten und Impulse. Geballtes Wissen, geteiltes Wissen.

Fr 31.05.


an verschiedenen Orten in Düsseldorf und Köln
Impulse Theater Festival


as part of Impulse Theater Festival 2024
Workshops + Talks

Seit 2018 gehören die Akademien zum festen Bestandteil des Impulse Theater Festivals. Zeit und Anlass genug, um zu fragen: Was bleibt? An drei Tagen bieten die AKADEMIE #1 und ihre Leiter*innen ein Best of der Debatten und Impulse. Geballtes Wissen, geteiltes Wissen.