
Fr 01.03.


Santiago Blaum

Schweigt Stille / Sober Up!

Musical Theatre

In the 18th century, Europe sobered up and switched from alcohol to coffee. In Schweigt Stille / Sober Up!, Argentinian composer and theatre maker Santiago Blaum juxtaposes composer Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Coffee Cantata” with the concrete political and economic conditions of coffee production.

Sa 02.03.


Santiago Blaum

Schweigt Stille / Sober Up!

Musical Theatre

In the 18th century, Europe sobered up and switched from alcohol to coffee. In Schweigt Stille / Sober Up!, Argentinian composer and theatre maker Santiago Blaum juxtaposes composer Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Coffee Cantata” with the concrete political and economic conditions of coffee production.

Di 05.03.


Meine Damen und Herren + FFT

Bla Bla Bar

Meeting for inclusive work approaches
Getränke & Gespräche

Im FFT-Foyer lässt es sich nicht nur prima auf den Beginn einer Theatervorstellung warten. Hier könnt ihr euch auch „einfach nur so“ auf ein Getränk verabreden, Freund*innen treffen, den Tag ausklingen lassen.

Mi 06.03.




Live theatre audio play

The audience ventures forth to be creeped out. Children and adults come together in this theatrical live audio play. The theatre room turns into a strange space of crackling corners and creaking doors Sometimes, it may get dark; sometimes, it may get loud. But do not fear: You will remain unharmed. Perhaps, though, you will feel goose bumps, and you might be able to laugh at your own fright.

Do 07.03.




Live theatre audio play

The audience ventures forth to be creeped out. Children and adults come together in this theatrical live audio play. The theatre room turns into a strange space of crackling corners and creaking doors Sometimes, it may get dark; sometimes, it may get loud. But do not fear: You will remain unharmed. Perhaps, though, you will feel goose bumps, and you might be able to laugh at your own fright.

Fr 08.03.




Live theatre audio play

The audience ventures forth to be creeped out. Children and adults come together in this theatrical live audio play. The theatre room turns into a strange space of crackling corners and creaking doors Sometimes, it may get dark; sometimes, it may get loud. But do not fear: You will remain unharmed. Perhaps, though, you will feel goose bumps, and you might be able to laugh at your own fright.


FFT & Kompliz*innen (FFT & Accomplices)

KULTUR-FRÜHSTÜCK (Cultural Breakfast)


Welcome to the Cultural Breakfast at the FFT Düsseldorf. This free offer is for everyone who wants to take a look behind the scenes of independent theater and talk about it with others! Every 2nd Friday of the month we invite you to our foyer to meet artists and other guests, current topics and new plays.



Daughters of the future


This evening is dedicated to the daughters of the future. Artists’ collective waltraud900, together with young performers, develops an overwriting re-imagining of the tragedy “Iphigenia in Aulis”, in which King Agamemnon sacrifices his daughter Iphigenia to bring thousands of ships and warriors to Troy. She does not resist but rather welcomes her own death.

Sa 09.03.




Live theatre audio play

The audience ventures forth to be creeped out. Children and adults come together in this theatrical live audio play. The theatre room turns into a strange space of crackling corners and creaking doors Sometimes, it may get dark; sometimes, it may get loud. But do not fear: You will remain unharmed. Perhaps, though, you will feel goose bumps, and you might be able to laugh at your own fright.

So 10.03.



Die Kunst, Nein Zu Sagen (On the Art of Saying No)


In their Daughters of the Future piece, waltraud900 group poses the question why it is being made so difficult to say “no”, especially for people that are read as female. This is the exact workshop focus. What are you saying “no” to, and how does your “no” become loud and visible?



Daughters of the future


This evening is dedicated to the daughters of the future. Artists’ collective waltraud900, together with young performers, develops an overwriting re-imagining of the tragedy “Iphigenia in Aulis”, in which King Agamemnon sacrifices his daughter Iphigenia to bring thousands of ships and warriors to Troy. She does not resist but rather welcomes her own death.

Mo 11.03.



Daughters of the future


This evening is dedicated to the daughters of the future. Artists’ collective waltraud900, together with young performers, develops an overwriting re-imagining of the tragedy “Iphigenia in Aulis”, in which King Agamemnon sacrifices his daughter Iphigenia to bring thousands of ships and warriors to Troy. She does not resist but rather welcomes her own death.

Sa 23.03.


Seniorentheater SeTA



The Threepenny Opera is very probably Bertolt Brecht’s most-performed piece. The story revolving around Mack The Knife, Jack Peachum and his daughter Polly combines snappy social criticism, delight, and enjoyment. Accompanied by a five-piece band of ensemble members, SeTA, under the direction of Kathrin Sievers, shows us that the shark has such teeth and how a ship with eight sails and with fifty cannons bombards the town.

So 24.03.


Seniorentheater SeTA



The Threepenny Opera is very probably Bertolt Brecht’s most-performed piece. The story revolving around Mack The Knife, Jack Peachum and his daughter Polly combines snappy social criticism, delight, and enjoyment. Accompanied by a five-piece band of ensemble members, SeTA, under the direction of Kathrin Sievers, shows us that the shark has such teeth and how a ship with eight sails and with fifty cannons bombards the town.