
René Gabri


Rene Gabri is an artist born in Tehran, Iran. In addition, he is affected by the places he has inhabited for prolonged durations, including Athens, Los Angeles, New York, Venice and a small mountain village in the remnants of Armenia. For dOCUMENTA (13) he has been involved with over 1000 artists, friends, gardners, farmers, poets, filmmakers, writers, activists, communards, cooks, students, searchers in an experimental learning living experience called “…AND …AND …AND”. That un/work collectively has continued for the last 10 years in different sites and contexts including Palestine, South of Italy and Armenia. For the 2015 Istanbul Biennial, with Ayreen Anastas and a handful of friends, he has animated the Centre for Parrhesia in the former offices of Agos Newspaper and the assassinated journalist and parrhesiaste Hrant Dink.