Prof. Dr. phil. Vassilis S. Tsianos
Prof. Dr. phil. Vassilis S. Tsianos (Kiel UAS) teaches sociology at Kiel UAS. His main research interests include the sociology of post-migrant society, social science research on racism, and the biometrization of the European border. Research projects: „Conjuctures of Antiracism“ funded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education, Scientific monitoring and evaluation of the project „We are many-against racism“ for the network Bundesverband Netzwerke von Migrantenorganisationen (BV-Nemo. de) Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, transit migration 2. A research project on the de- and restabilizations of the European border regime, funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, „The Art of Being Many“, Hafen City University and University of Hamburg (funded by the Federal Cultural Foundation). Member of the planning group of the annual conferences of the Council for Migration Zur Kritik rassistischer Praktiken (2020) and Körper und „Rasse“. Conjuctures of Racism in Europe (2021).
Vassilis Tsianos is chairman of the board of the Council for Migration, member of the expert commission „Agency for Fundamental Rights“ (FRA) of the European Union, founding member of the Hamburg Institute for Migration and Racism Research (ImiR), founding member of the Netzwerk kritische Migrations- und Grenzregimeforschung, member of the section Migration Sociology and Ethnic Minorities of the DGS, member of the commission on „Refugee and Immigration Policy“ of the Heinrich- Böll-Stiftung. He is the author of numerous scientific articles (peer reviewed), and is currently working on a textbook Racism in Social Structures and Lifeworlds for Kohlhammer Verlag, in which institutionalized forms of racism in post-migrant society are analyzed following critical race studies.
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