Making of: Costume Design of “In-Side Sense”
Talks + Drinks Talks & Workshops Dance
What artists wear on stage needs to fit – the piece performed as well as the performers’ bodies. Designer Marion Strehlow has been creating the costumes for dancer and choreographer Maura Morales’ dance pieces for quite some time now. This collaboration sprang from mutual fascination: While Strehlow got excited about Maura Morales’ dance pieces, she, in turn, was impressed by the designer’s drafts. Since then, both their works require the other: Costumes influence collection – and vice versa.
The results of the current costuming work for the production “In-Side Sense” will be shown at the Foyer. At the supporting talk, with cake pastries at the bar, Marion Strehlow offers us the opportunity to delve deeper into her process of finding ideas and her work processes.
Marion Strehlow has been moving between art and fashion since the inception of her own label STREHLOW. For the presentation of her collections, she collaborates with artists from different genres, showing them in galleries, museums, or at interdisciplinary festivals, additionally regularly drawing up the costumes for the Cooperativa Maura Morales dance company.