as part of Peer to Peer

01.09. – 02.09.2023

Nature and technology are often considered to be opposites. Their actual relationship turns out to be much more complex. Together with, we inaugurate the Peer to Peer event series. The entanglements between landscape and technology, urban planning and nature, the effects of digitisation and the relations between the human and other species will be negotiated in performances, installations, workshops, and talks. The series will move on afterwards, providing insight into North Rhine-Westphalia’s diverse media art landscape in Cologne, Havixbeck near Münster, and Essen.

Hanna Poddig

Guerrilla communication: Subversive creative actions

From altered advertising to counterfeit mailings

Workshop Talks & Workshops Social/Urban Movements

Art and political activism have many points of contact. Climate protection activist and author Hanna Poddig dedicates herself to one in particular in this workshop: subversion. Hidden theatre, altered advertising posters and counterfeit official letters have one thing in common: they attempt to think around corners, to use the strength of the other for themselves, to shift the boundaries of the conceivable. What can such interventions in different contexts accomplish, how can they be realised and what are real experiences?