Nora Vonder Mühll, Ives Thuwis, Hannah Biedermann


Dance theatre Young FFT Dance

We do not always have everything under our control. We let ourselves slip. We are not always nice. Sometimes, we feel sad, sometimes angry, without knowing the reason why. And although we feel shame for it, our demon is a part of us that makes us come alive. What does your demon look like? Do you talk to it? Does it dance with you?

Dance theatre Demons is the result of an intense research with youths and adults. Ives and Nora, the two performers, are grown-ups, and they bring demons from their childhoods and try to look their present-day demons in the eye. “Demons” is bleak, dirty, quaint, yet life-affirming, full of energy, dance, and sensual images. A fearless space for encounters emerges in the theatre, where demons dance and are celebrated. Following its premiere at the FFT in February 2022 and many subsequent guest performances in German-speaking territories, the piece returns to the FFT.



Regie: Hannah Biedermann. Spiel und Tanz: Nora Vonder Mühll und Ives Thuwis. Musik und Sound Design: Johannes Birlinger. Ausstattung: Regina Rösing. Mitarbeit: Stefan Colombo. Produktionsleitung: Cornelia Wolf.


A coproduction by Theater Sgaramusch Schaffhausen with FFT Düsseldorf, Theater Liechtenstein TAK Schaan, ROTONDES Luxemburg