


pulk fiktion

performance group

pulk fiktion is a Cologne-base performance group founded in 2007. A heterogenous pulk (german for “bunch” or “group”) of artists from the fields of theatre, film, music, performance, video art, and interactive media, in different constellations, works on productions for children, youths, and adults. The group’s diverse and interdisciplinarian approach grows from its absolute aim to align each aesthetic form individually with a chosen topic. Pulk fiction develop their productions based on social questions as well as from examples taken from popular culture. The productions, most of them play developments, have been invited to several national and international festivals and have also won numerous prizes. In 2016, pulk fiction was the recipient of the George Tabori Support Prize as presented by the Fonds Darstellende Künste.

pulk fiction has been granted the Support for Excellence in Theatre for Children and Youths of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia since 2019.