
mar~yã aka makabra coqito


mar~yã (they/them), also known as makabra coqito, is a multi-spirited artist born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and hearted in Mexico. They work at the intersections of performance, street theatre, drag cabaret, healing practices, and popular education. Their processes of life and creation are viscerally moved by political art and ancestral medicines. mar~yã works on the performative and pedagogical research project Change Skin Like a Serpent, based on dreams, healing rituals, and feminist justice processes. They are a member of the Teatro de Operações performance collective, a Rio de Janeiro-based group that acts at the interstices of art, and critical pedagogies, studying power relations between disobedient acts and the forces that regulate cities as well as those that are contained in bodies. mar~yã has an MA in Performance Arts at the University of Brasília (UNB). They hold a degree in body therapies (Angel Vianna School, Rio de Janeiro), and are a perennial student of Traditional Zapotec Medicine in Oaxaca, Mexico.