

Dance performance Young FFT Dance

Many a silence speaks louder than any protest. At least, that is the motto the Silent People go by, whose most radical kind of resistance against a high-performance society is collective silence. No commentary, no hearts, no TikToks, no sound. In the fictitious world of the staging, more and more young people stop speaking. It all starts out just like a trend on social media. But then, silence keeps spreading further. Soon, young people who do not talk anymore are everywhere. Rapidly, a new style also emerges. The news is saturated with conjecture and accounts of the affected who have lost their family members to Silence. Two young people mingle with the Silent People and try to decipher their secret…

Over the course of the previous productions ‘work in progress’ and ‘All About Love’, a group of young people was formed with whom artist duo Elbers/Zhukov developed a collaborative work method that is now being continued and intensified.


As a team, in collaboration with young people, we have been developing a work approach that enables us to develop different subjects into an idiosyncratic performative form within a longer rehearsal process. This results in a characteristic theatre language at the intersection of dance, performance. As well as tone and sound collages. all generated in a live context.

Choreographer Stefanie Elbers and theatre maker Oleg Zhukov have been working together since 2005. At the core of their approach lies the artistic participation of youths whose environment and topics form the basis for collaborative artistic creation.


wird gefördert im Rahmen von „Take-off : Junger Tanz“ durch das Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf sowie das Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. „Take-off : Junger Tanz“ ist eine Kooperation Düsseldorfer Kultur-, Bildungs- und Sozialeinrichtungen unter der Gesamtleitung des tanzhaus nrw.