Impulse Theater Festival



Workshops + Talks Talks & Workshops Social/Urban Movements

Together with the network FESTIVALFRIENDS, Impulse looks back on the ACADEMIES that have taken place since 2018 and share the knowledge that has emerged from them. What has lasted? How have perspectives on the ACADEMIES’ various themes changed – including remote meetings and international co-productions, artistic methods, archiving practices and working conditions? ACADEMY leaders report on how they view their topic now and revisit formats that encouraged particularly intense exchanges between the participants and fostered collective learning.

You can find the full programme and registration details at

Thursday, 30.5.

Welcome, programme presentation and lunch with the ACADEMY host Anne Schneider, the ACADEMY leaders and FESTIVALFRIENDS
Location: FFT Düsseldorf
Language: German

13:30 Shuttle departs from the FFT to the Südstadion in Cologne

ACADEMY 2018: Between the village square and the world market. Independent theatre between local relevance and international co-production
Location: Südstadion, Vorgebirgsstraße 76, 50969 Köln
Language: German
17:00 Shuttle departs for the SHOWCASE at Schauspiel Köln, Depot 2

Friday, 31.5.

ACADEMY 2021: Lost in Space? Theatrical Communities, Protest und International Collaboration in a Diesembodied Age
Location: FFT Düsseldorf
Languages: German and English. The workshop will be conducted in English.

13:00–14:00 Lunch

ACADEMY 2018: Uncertain Encounters. On the links between methods and aesthetics in the independent theatre
Location: FFT Düsseldorf
Language: German

17:00 Shuttle departs for the SHOWCASE in Cologne

Saturday, 1.6.

ACADEMY 2023: Produce less, work better. The independent performing arts beyond growth.
Location: FFT Düsseldorf
Language: German

13:00–13:45 Lunch

13:45 – 14:00 Walk from the FFT to the TMD Theatermuseum Hofgartenhaus Düsseldorf


Die AKADEMIE #1: „MAKE FRIENDSSHARE KNOWLEDGE“ wird in Kooperation mit FESTIVALFRIENDS, einem Festival-Verbund der Freien Darstellenden Künste in Deutschland, sowie dem NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste e.V. und dem Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e.V. realisiert. FESTIVALFRIENDS wird gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien über das Programm „Verbindungen fördern“ des Bundesverbands Freie Darstellende Künste e. V.