Daniel Wetzel (Rimini Protokoll)

Stadt, Markt, Spiel (City, Market, Game)

Workshop Talks & Workshops Social/Urban Movements

In keeping with the chosen motto The City We Want to Live In?, we will, following living space and public space, now consider the consumerist space. To be exact: the supermarket. Almost ubiquitous within the city, it defines urban infrastructure and merchandise logistics. In some way, we do need it, do we not? During a two-day workshop by director Daniel Wetzel who specialises in an artistic handling of consumption in his work, the participants will receive insight into the research and play techniques Rimini Protokoll employs, as they try out how to turn the market into a stage. Perhaps even so no-one will notice?


Stadt, Markt, Spiel is part of the Vom Durchgangsort zum Begegnungsort project and receives funding from the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry for Culture and Science and the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Soziokultureller Zentren NRW, e.V.