Kai und Gerda. Escape.
Theatre project Young FFT Theatre & PerformanceKai and Gerda are best friends. But what to do if your best friend suddenly vanishes? Gerda goes searching! And you can be right there with her in our theatre project!
Кай і Герда – найкращі друзі. Але що робити, якщо твій найкращий друг раптово зникає? Герда вирушає на пошуки! У нашому театральному проєкті ти можеш приєднатися до цього пошуку!
Children and youths are invited to embark on a creative journey with artists. Inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale “The Snow Queen”, you ask yourself: For whom or for what would you go on a quest? What would you experience during the search, and what would the path be like? The answers will be brought to the stage with a very distinctive version of the classic, following the autumn holidays.
The Kai und Gerda. Escape project receives support from “Zur Bühne”, the grant programme of the Deutsche Bühnenverein as part of “Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung“.